One question type is a dropdownlist and the information needed (to keep it simple) was stored as a semi-colon separated list (I also extended this to allow colon separated values within that to allow key and value sets).
for example:
Both are valid and the second example will store the values defined as the answer.
I wanted to split a string into a Dictionary and set a return for use on an MVC SelectList,
I refactored out the SplitAndReturnIndex to handle case where the string does not contain a Key, only a value, as can be seen from the code:
public IDictionary QuestionValues()
return Question.SurveyItemValues.Split(';')
.Select(x => new { Key = SplitAndReturnIndex(x, 0), Value = SplitAndReturnIndex(x, 1) })
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
private string SplitAndReturnIndex(string x, int indexValue)
return x.IndexOf(':') == -1 ? x : x.Split(':')[indexValue];